Monday, February 23, 2009


Just finished Because of Winn-Dixie with Katie before her nap today. This one took a little longer for us to finish, mostly because there aren't any pictures. It was a little harder to keep her attention during this one, but she did seem to enjoy it and thought it was HILARIOUS that the girls' name is Opal. She also thinks it's funny that the girl looks like a boy (see front cover). Katie cracks me up...

This was a great book. I definitely recommend it. I think we'll check out the movie now that we've finished it - I think it would make for a great Family Movie Night!

She has requested that our next book be Pinnochio that Dave got for his birthday from his mom.
I love that Katie loves to read!

Drop Everything And Read!


Becky said...

D.E.A.R. I like that!!!

Meg said...

It's from Elementary School. We always had D.E.A.R. time - thought it was pretty clever :)

scooping it up said...

I love your posts about DEAR. I am trying to stretch Jane's books to longer, more involved stories. She is doing great and enjoying it, and then Andrew reads a story, sees that it's too long so he reads (I kid you not) the first and last line on each page skipping everything. I am like "Andrew, reading to kids helps their cognitive development and attention span. You are doing her a disservice." It's so funny.

Kathy said...

Pinocchio will be a lot of fun! you asked for recommendations way back when - I recommend The Trumpet of the Swan also by E B White (you read Charlotte's Web right?) It's about a young boy who comes across a trumpeter swan that can not "trumpet"/speak and ends up using a trumpet and a blackboard to communicate one of my fondest memories from a summer way back when is reading the story, chapter by chapter, to my kids - the end of the day - all clean in adult sized t-shirts ready for bed - their eye lashes still wet and stuck together - they looked like stars...such eager, happy, loving faces kids are great!

Kathy said...

I forgot to comment that we read Because of Winn Dixie on a road trip - Ryan's 5th grade teacher had recommended it (I think she read it to the class) and Ryan must have liked it to have it be the read for the trip - he warned it would make ME cry - and it did but it made us laugh too We loved the story. another favorite memory - reading that story and that trip...