Monday, July 13, 2009

Fire Safety

Tonight for Family Night we learned about Fire Safety. Or at least our basic version of Fire Safety. We learned 4 things:

1.) What we do if there is a fire in our house
Get out of the house and meet at our designated meeting spot (aka: the light pole at the end of our driveway)

2.) What we do if there is a fire on us
Stop, Drop, and Roll of course!

3.) How many fire alarms are in our house
5 - it was fun letting the girls find them and count them

4.) What the fire alarms sound like
I could've done without this one, but it was a must

I can't even tell you how much fun we had!

We would practice going to our meeting place by each hiding in a different room. We would take turns being the person who would yell "FIRE!!!" and then everyone would get out of the house as fast as they could and meet at the meeting place. The girls got a kick out of it. McKenna would even yell "Fire! Fire!" the whole time until she reached the light post.

Then we practiced our Stop, Drop, and Rolls out on the grass. Katie was a little Ms. Smarty as usual. When I asked her what she thought we should do if there was a fire on us, she gave me LOTS of logical answers like "Put water on it!" or "Blow it out!" or even "Take off your clothes!" (She thinks like her dad - always can think of many logical answers on her own) Finally she did think that the Stop, Drop, and Roll was the most fun answer because her and McKenna could practice over and over again.

Our Fire Safety: Lesson 1 has been completed.
And quite successfully I might add!


Becca said...

That's such a good idea. We just might do that next Monday. Thanks for the idea.

E and J said...

The kids LOVE fire safety FHE. I think that was one of the first ones we did. Of course, foster rules make us do it every 6 months.