Wednesday, February 02, 2011


This might be my most favorite picture of Brooke.
Since she was born she has always had her blankie in hand and two fingers in her mouth. In her days of pacifiers, she would still shove her fingers in her mouth along with the binkie. This blankie is her best bud and has been named "Dainties." I love it. And oh do I love her!

I'm flexing and stretching my photography skills (or lack there of) in a free online photography class (Thanks Liz!) through the month of February. The class is called "the joy of LOVE" and we're supposed to take pictures of those we love while practicing skills and tips from each class.

I'll be posting most of my pictures over at So Buttons, but some may find their way over here, since my subjects are our sweet little girls. Naturally.

1 comment:

Quinn, Allison, Rylee and Cailyn McNamara said...

great shot! i had to do a double take - it almost looked like a picture of katie from when she was younger. she's getting so big!
i will have to look into this online class...i thought it was a class you were attending in provo, but if it's on line i would LOVE to do it! i'm currently frustrated with the photo class that i signed up for; we spent 2 hours on monday practicing using the auto focus and moving pictures from our cameras onto a memory stick. really? REALLY? i will look into this joy of love class though...i'll call you if i can't figure it out.