Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mommy Next to Her Baby

I tiptoe down the hallway
to the playroom and peek my head in.
I like to watch you in your world
with your ponies all in a row.
You talk to them in your small sweet voice
and gently place them one by one
so carefully. I'm not ready for you to know
I'm here. For now
I just want to watch
long enough to breath in this moment
so I can remember.
You must have felt my eyes watching
because you look up at me
with your beaming eyes and cheeks
that always melt me.
You wave me over and show me a seat
right next to you so I can play ponies too.
The game is to line them up one by one
on the armrest of the fouton
and then to watch.
I place the mommy next to her baby.
Then I feel your head rest gently
on the side of my arm.
While we watch.


Quinn, Allison, Rylee and Cailyn McNamara said...

Megan, I love this! It made me tear up a little. I'm glad that you are starting to break out from being a closet poet (o:

Marianne Hopkin said...

Megan, This made my day. I loved it. You definitely captured a moment that you will now never forget.