A few weekends ago, Dave & the girls made a checkerboard. Dave cut out the pieces, measured and drew the squares on the board, and then Katie & McKenna painted each square and each piece. Katie & Dave then played game after game until Katie learned the rules and fell in love with checkers. It was so fun to watch them create this project and it has been even more fun to watch Katie show her friends her checkboard she made and teach them all how to play. What a fun memory they created that day!
Obviously this was a very large family reunion. The picture above is my Dad's sister's family only! There were three other families there. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of everyone together, and the Dow family was actually the only family to get a family picture, but I tried to get as many pictures as I could. I was sad MK wasn't there to take real pictures :) And, unfortunately I didn't get great shots of everyone. I'm still trying to figure this new camera out, and even though I took over 1000 pictures of our Disneyland/Reunion trip, so many of them were blurry or bad. So sorry if anyone was left out. I really did try. I'm just glad that I got a few posts worth of some good ones.
But more important than the pictures... I am so glad we were able to all be together this August, both with the Jensen Family and the Hopkin/Dow Family. We really are blessed to be connected to such amazing people! We love you all.