Sunday, October 03, 2010

Our Pumpkin Patch

Never quite got my act together this year in our garden. Mostly because I don't trust our crazy dog Bowser to not dig + chew it all up, partially because we had too many rainy weekends this spring to work in the garden, but probably because I just never got around to it.

I did, however, plant one pumpkin plant.
We love growing pumpkin and I figured no harm done if Crazy Dog ate them.
It would just be an excuse to go on a fun family date to the pumpkin patch.

here is our pumpkin plant:
I have two things to say about this.

1.) Doesn't that seem like abnormally large to be just one plant? Just one little seedling?

2.) Does this look like pumpkin to you?

I think not.


Kathy said...

That is awesome!

Hannah said...

BWAHAHAHA!!!!! I think someone at WAL MART missed the boat in the labeling and UPC department.

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