Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

Today was a great Sunday for me. Even through the wrestle with children and struggle to stay in a room long enough to hear a full sentence of a talk/lesson, I was very spiritually uplifted and strengthened. It was exciting to be at church today to sustain our long awaited new bishopric. All three are wonderful men and their families are three families that I look to constantly as examples. They are all awesome people that I hope to more like someday. I also felt very uplifted (like usual) in Relief Society. I am constantly amazed by the strength of the women in our ward and am humbled to be able to associate and serve with them. I learn so much each week - even if I only have minutes between trips to the bathroom and temper tantrums. All things considered, I definitely love going to church, being surrounded by outstanding people, and feeling spiritually filled. I love knowing that we are all in this together - working toward the same goals and sharing the same testimony of the Savior and His gospel.

Today's insights:
#1 "Holding hands, running together to the celestial kingdom"
I love this! Like Merrilee, that is exactly what I want with my husband. It was a great visual for me and has inspired both Dave & I to be better and to work together toward our spiritual goals.

#2 There is nothing I could pray about that would waste the Lord's time.
Melissa Garver made a comment today in RS about our relationships with our children in comparison to our relationship with Heavenly Father. As a parent, if my child came to me with ANYTHING to say, ask, or counsel with me, of course I would want to hear it and help as best I could. And how heart broken I would be if they didn't come to me! That is how Heavenly Father feels to0 - He wants us to come to Him with anything and everything that is in our hearts.

#3 The church is TRUE!
Of course it is! But I always love feeling it and knowing it again and again.

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