So, tonight I finally did it. I finally finished Breaking Dawn. I know, I know, it has taken me quite a long time, but I have always been a slow reader and never had the attention span (or the ability to stay awake long enough) to read a book in a day or two. I think I have only done that once (a volume of the Goosebumps series when I was about 12 years old). But tonight I have finished it. Surprisingly enough I managed to make it all the way through without any idea what was going to happen. I had heard several reviews, but luckily no one spoiled the ending for me. And...
I'm not sure I know what it is that some people didn't like about the ending (please don't comment on this in case some readers still haven't read it). I am anxious to talk to some of my "Twilight" reading friends to find out what it is that disappointed them in the end. I thought overall it was a good book. I was definitley entertained the whole time and had no idea what was going to happen. In my mind that's a pretty good book - as long as it can keep my attention and I can't figure out the ending, I'm satisfied. Then again, I do admit that I am pretty easily entertained. There are very few books that I have not liked, few that I have LOVED. Most books I enjoy.
I still think "New Moon" is my favorite of the saga. Being a Jacob fan, I really did love that book the most. Although my feelings towards Jacob changed in "Breaking Dawn," I ended with content feelings toward him. But I LOVED him in "New Moon" and I'm still not convinced that Bella shouldn't have chosen him back in book 2. Then again, the rest of the story wouldn't exist if that was the case...
So, I know this post is rather vague, because like I said I don't want to give anything away. But I do want to put it out there that I am one that liked "Breaking Dawn" (it seems like most people don't like it too much) and feel content about the way the series ended.
I do feel, however, that after these months I've dedicated to Stephenie Meyer and her vampire stories, I should probably go read my scriptures or at least something of a little more substance and value :)